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The Word
(Mendel bailey My own book)

Life, well ive learned that life is the existance of things that make up liveing for liveing is all about chooses, and chooses is the way not just to exist when you make the right choose..
See  in this world called life 1 must first learn to believe in a higher power first and for most, due to the incredable world of illusion. Illusion can be almost seen as real if you think that the sky is just blue and we that live knows that the statement of the sky being blue is just that (an illusion)... To live is to have life and have it more abundantly to exist is to just have a place of no foundation . Sort of like a seed blowing in the air really never knowing which way or were
it just continues to go as the wind blows sort of kind of .When 1 starts to live hes in tune with whom he is and whom he belongs too were hes headed and who to call when in trouble and believing on whom hes calling when he need to call on his higher power. When 1 exist hes a pawn for the world of the liveing to control at a easy way of desception
or maraganal illusion. In other words hes a goffer to the devils play ground.
A little challange close ur eyes an meditate for 3 minutes. Now dont think of nonthing but the positive life of love, now what did you think about.
Did  you think about a woman,or did you think about how you view  were your at with the woman your with. Did you think about sex or after thinking about were your at with the woman your with then you knew sex would be better .
Did you think about the love of your ex or what caused ur break up...
See the thinking prossess is what decides were your at an exister or a liver.
When you exist you think about women because your to unsure to think about that woman your higher power blessed you with . When you exist you think about only sex after thinking about the women that the first minute you used if that long  then your mind imediatly goes to sex thresomes and whatever else but a liver thinks about the woman hes with what can make things better and how to keep them better
when you exist your mind thinks of dog I should have kept that one or that one when you Live you say i know what happened in my last relation ship I refuse to loose this one
in other words a liver already knows what to do an exister thinks he know basically always liveing off an illusional intention to becdome better which a liver is already there

LIFE is liveing and LIVEING is apart of LIFE .
Life s

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