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Eleven Minutes (onze Minutos)
(Paulo Coelho)

Eleven minutes (Onze Minutos)
"Love is a terrible thing that will make you suffer."
 An International Bestseller, Eleven Minutes capers around the life of Maria, young lass from a small village in Brazil. Her innocent, juvenile encounters with love leave her heart broken. At a very tender age she is convinced she would never find true love. True love doesn?t exist. Love hurts and makes you suffer. On her trip to Rio, her encounter with a man takes her to Geneva with promises of name and fame. She ends up working as a prostitute. In Geneva, Maria moves farther away from love. She develops a fascination for sex. She convinces herself of her new life, the realizations of her new life when she comes across a young painter. It?s a journey of the young prostitute, a journey of self realization. She has to make the tough choice between sex, just for the pleasure of it, or sex for love. It is one of the most daring books of Paulo Coelho, where he makes us travel back to our prejudices. He touches upon the sensitive issues of love and sex and beautifully elaborates on them. This is a slight deviation from his natural optimistic writing. Though darker in nature, the story tries to differentiate and understand sex only for pleasure, the sacred sex and sex for love.

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