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One Hundred Years Of Solitude
(Gabriel García Márquez)

Translated by: rhonefrencis
This is the story of a family, the Buendías, who looking for a place to live come to a place in the middle of the jungle, and together with other people settle the mystical town of Macondo. Jose Arcadio Buendía is Ursula?s husband; they are Jose Arcadio and Aureliano´s parents, who are two very different kids both in their personalities and in their physical appearance. At the beginning, the book is full of magical references and amazing events which can be included in what is known as Latin-American "magical realism."  
Little by Little new characters are included in the story such as Rebecca, a little girl who is simply abandoned in the Buendia´s house and adopted by them; also the wizard Melquiades, who before dying had written the story of the Buendía generations from their arrival to Macondo to the death of the last of them.
The story of the Buendías is the story of Macondo, the town which at the beginning fights against adversity but little by little it changes; it progresses with the arrival of the train and the banana boom, and it even becomes legendary. Reading this book we can see how the Buendías live, fall in love, multiply themselves, participate in the war, how they are assassinated, or how they die one after the other.  Finally only two of them are left who even  knowing  they are cousins, they have a child who is born with a pig?s tale.
That offspring is destined to die eaten by the ants; just as it was prophesized by the wizard Melquiades in the story he wrote of the Buendías, which is the story of Macondo. His mother also dies; and his father disappears while he is reading the story written by Melquiades which is written in a code that only the last Buendía could decipher at the very last moments of his existence while a a powerful wind drags Macondo and also to the one who founded it one hundred years before.

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