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The Eagle And The Hen
(Leonardo Boff)

The present workmanship is divided in seven chapters, where it counts
to the history of a bred eagle as a hen. This history is understood as
a metaphor of the condition human being. Each one will be able to read
it and to interpret it its experiences in accordance with. When reading
the workmanship you go to collate with two basic dimensions of the
existence human being: the dimension of the enraizamento, the daily
one, of limited, that it would be the symbol of the hen and the
dimension of the opening, the desire, of the limitless one, which is
the symbol of the eagle. From this the author in questions them in as
to balance these two dimensions. E as to hinder that the culture of the
homogenization drowns the eagle of us inside and in hinders them to
fly. To give a convincing reply to these challenges, the author visits
modern cosmology, the new anthropology, deep psychology, the ecology,
the espiritualidade and the mística. The result is a instigante
reflection that provokes enthusiasm in the search of the identity human
being through the inclusion of the contradictions and the overcoming of
the eventual obstacles the personal, social and planetary level. The
history of the eagle and the hen evoke deep dimensions of the spirit,
indispensable for the accomplishment process human being: the feeling
of auto-esteem, the capacity superficially to give the return in the
almost insuperáveis difficulties, the creativity ahead of situations of
collective oppression that threaten the horizon of the hope. But we
cannot in limiting them to be only hen or only eagle. As hens we are
concrete and historical beings, but never we must forget our opening,
our indomável passion, our infinite project, our dimension infinite
eagle. If not to search the impossible one (the eagle) we will never
obtain the possible one (the hen). Each human being has a basic that if
manifest structure more as the eagle in some, more as the hen in
others. Each one needs to listen to this nature interior, to catch the
eagle that if announces or the hen that emerges. After to listen to
them, matters to use the reason to see and the heart clearly to decide
with inteireza. Thus the promise of a dynamic balance will only be
conquered. The history of the eagle and the hen in them evokes the
personalization process for which all human being passes. We do not
receive the existence ready. We must construct it gradually. It has a
wide transcultural tradition that it represents the walked one of the
human being, man and woman, as a trip and an adventure in the direction
of the proper identity.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Eagle?s Tale

- Snake And Eagle

- Eagles In A Storm

- Blood Eagle

- The Wisdom Of The Eagle

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