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Mukhtar Mai-in The Name Of Honour
(munira chendvankar)

Book:in the name of honour Author:Mukhtar mai French writer: Marie-Therese Cuny English translator: Linda Coverdale The face of a hushed and tranquil looking woman adorns the cover of this book. Looking at the cover one may hardly guess that its pages contain harsh and gore realities which actually challenge the very existence of women in a male dominated society. In the name of honour, a book, which tells us about the arduous journey of a Pakistani peasant woman, in her own words, is nothing but an accomplishment in itself.Muknhtaran bibi , as she was earlier called till the ghastly day in June 2002,lived as a 28-year-old divorcee with her parents and brother in the village of Meerawala in Pakistan''s Punjab .A gujjar by caste,mukhtar was illiterate like most women in the village which had been dominated by mastois.however, ever willing to learn ,mukhtar learnt the Koran by heart and thus could earn a livelihood by teaching the children in her village. She thus could lead a dignified life in her parental home, which was usually looked down upon by many villagers. However life soon took a turn when mukhtar?s brother was allegedly put in police custody because he had spoken to one of the mastois woman. A meeting of the village council was called and Mukhtar was asked to accompany her father and uncle for the same. however Instead of accepting an apology, the powerful Mastois decided to punish Mukhtaran''s family in the way that men think is most appropriate ? by gang raping the allegedly accuser?s sister. Unwillingly the judgement had to be accepted and then in full view of the entire village mukhtar was gang raped by four Mastois men in a stable and was later thrown out. Shame lingered around her father?s mind when he covered her with a shawl and took her home. Her brother however was not released .thus began the tale of unimaginable suffering and steadfast courage that this illiterate woman decides to show and thus change the crooked lines of her fate. Suicide was the best option left to any woman who suffered so much .but for mukhtar mai it was a distant option. After a few days of silence and deep thinking she went to the police and filed a complaint against the rapist. However the police too didn?t seem supportive due to fear of facing trouble from the majority in the village. But muktar had decided that she wasn?t going to let those animals, who had destroyed her life completely, flee away free. Luck was on her side and a local journalist decides to publish her story. This grabbed eyeballs all across the world. The news spread like wild fire. Soon she got support of the human rights group also and soon justice wasn?t far away. The first judge before whom she appeared also believed her story. After several years of struggling and running in and out of courts, she succeeded in getting her rapists convicted. It was victory not only for this one woman but for women all over the world. She was then monetarily funded and thus started a school for the little girls in her village which gave them the confidence to break from the shackles of injustice if ever their fate decides to turn black. In a world where a rape is committed every 30 seconds and a gang rape is committed every 10 minutes, mukhtar mai?s story brings a belief in the sense of law and the power of the world. It also shuns light upon the marvels of media. Had it not been for that local journalist who first published her story, Mukhtar mai?s struggle would have been much more that difficult. The Book is mukhtar?s version of the journey from Mukhtaran bibi to Mukhtar mai. This simple narrative has been written by Marie-Therese Cuny in French and thereafter translated into English by Linda Coverdale.the language used in this book is very simple .the story is told in such a way that one can actually feel the pain and the sufferings that muktar mai went through. your thoughts, your beliefs would surely undergo a slightest transformation once you read this original pubed by Virago,UK.

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