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(Julisz S?owacki)

Poor widow lives in modest hut along with beautiful (fine) two daughters Alina and Balladyna. There is tender first of they and loving, it second (other) egoist, desiring resource and authority. Opening occurs for their conquests for along with coming on spring Balladyna, when fairy awakes Goplana, nearby lakes you Gop?o. She (it) is fallen in love with Grabiec, but then it meets it with (from) sie Balladyn?. In order to for hut of widow ago preclude (prevent) send Goplana duke Kirkor. It with one of girl intend marry sie. Widow suggests competition malinowy pitcher of raspberry will bring - which (who) first, become (stay) it wife Kirkor. Knowing Balladyna, that not conquer (win) kill sister. Case (together; time) on way of crime from lock (castle) during invading already not come down kill mother zniej Fon Kostryn Kirkor Gralon dismiss storm. Heroine has been paralyzed in last stage by lightning and it disappears.

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- Blue Beard

- Dom Casmurro

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