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Man's Search For Meaning
(Dr. Viktor Frankel)

    Through our entire existance man has been seeking for meaning. Every
thing we do has to have a meaning to it - otherwise what is the purpose
of life without meaning? Will we still go on and live out of our own
will?     Dr. Viktor Frankel - the developer of the Logotherapy
which is a popular method for decades in Psychology  and Psychiatry, a
composer of 26 books translated into more than 18 different languages
around the world. His books represent a detailed and rich analysis of
the meaning the man grants to his life, whether if its in normal days
or in times of small and large crisis'' (even the holocaust).     His
rich experiance in life and his investigation of the matter of the
meaning of the humans life through conversations with many people,
helped him develop a method called Logotherapy, a therapy through
finding the new meaning in life.     His first book is "Man''s
search for meaning" and in it is a description of the perception that
he developed since the days in the  nazi death camps, and is brought in
understandable outlines until it reaches the principles of the
existantialistic philosophy.     This book discusses the
ambition of a man to meaning, the essence of the frustration of
existance, an explanation about existantialistic vacuum, the essence of
the meaning of life, the essence of existance, the meaning of love, the
meaning of suffering, and the way of treatment through logotherapy.     Any
man, whether he is interested in general in improving his life or is
now under psycological therapy of any kind, will certainly find in this
book explicit keys to his self improvement and deeper understanding of
himself. This is one of the most well known  and important books to be
published in the current century.

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