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Happily It Has Moonlight
(Luís de Sttau Monteiro)

This is a part written for Luis of Sttau Monteiro during the Salazarista regimen. However, its representation alone would after come to be possible the 25 of April of 1974 for having been, until there, forbidden for the censorship. In this workmanship the author at the beginning makes a picture of the Portuguese society of séc.XIX, more necessarily in 1817, after the French invasions, when the English William Beresford was, beyond commander-head of the army, the true regent of Portugal. E the author still makes the comparison of this time with the years where it wrote this part, years 60, where also the repression and the inaquality predominated. The share of the funny part around the called persecution to mártires of the freedom, that they had failed its objectivo to institute a constitutional monarchy, mainly evidencing the conviction to the death of general Gomes Freire de Andrade, defendant to conspire against the absolute monarchy, and the frustrate attempts of Matilde, its wife, to save it.

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