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The Memorial Of The Convent
(José Saramago)

Jose Saramago is writer of the new generation of the romance in Portugal. He dedicates himself, beyond the romance, to the story and the theater, having its first dated productions of 1966. Memorial of the Convent is of 1982 and represents an onslaught in the field of the historical narrative. The volume approximately covers a period of 30 years in the History of Portugal to epoca of the Inquisition. The scene is rich, registering not only the historical fact, but reconstituting the popular experience, in a trip the different ones town around of Lisbon. King D. João V needed heirs and the womb of D. Maria Ana does not conceive them. It made it, then, a promise of raising a convent in Mafra, so that the conception occurred. In parallel, the register of the life of the people is followed, through the approach of the soldier who lost the left hand in the war against the Spaniard. Baltasar Seven-Sun, in a spectacle of the Inquisition, knew Blimunda, woman of being able magical, that it see inside of the people, and whose mother, for having to be able similar, had been exiled for Angola. Defying the severities of the religion, both ?are married? through a blood ritual. Baltasar becomes helping of the Bartolomeu Priest Lourenço, who, under the protection of the king, conceives a machine to fly, (passarola). Under the sign of the machine to fly they are joined ideal: the cults, represented for the priest Bartolomeu de Gusmão and the Scarlatti musician, and the popular ones, anchored in Blimunda and Baltasar. Bartolomeu priest travels, goes crazy and dies. Blimunda, after the desapear of Baltasar, starts to look it, finding it nine years later in tragic circumstances. The narrative follows direct, without interruptions, vigorous and rich. Saramago looks for to give to the language the tone of the historical chronicles, coats the vocabulary of rich terms and carries through syntactic jugglings.

Resumos Relacionados

- Baltasar And Blimunda

- O Memorial Do Convento

- A Vida De José Saramago

- Memorial Do Convento

- Memorial Do Convento

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