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How To Write Correctly

One of the consequences of advance civilisation, as we practise it today, is that everybody from  the young child to the grown man or woman must know how to express his or her thoughts on paper. To be lacking in these power proves a tremendous handicap for, at every turn we are called upon to state facts in writing whether they be in the form of a letter, a business document, a written speech, a news paper article, or a dozen other items. To the would be author, of whom there are now countless hundreds, the importance of knowing how to compose accurately and succinctly is,it need hardly be said, of the highest necessity. The efficient writer must be mindful of many things, but his first concern should be to frame his words so that they convey the exact meaning intended by him. to write just what we wish to start is often a hard matter and the act can only be acquired by pracrtice. there is no better way of acquiring the art than by reading a few lines at a time from a standard author and then reproducing them in our own words.

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