When A Mother Don''t Show Love To Her Children Or Others
(shirley m roberson)
This book will tell you a lot about young ladys going threw a bad child hood, which will involed rape at least 14 times but some of them candy can''t remmber because the lord taken those memory away it hurt candy a lot, also emotion abuse all her life, never been good at anything in her mother eyes no matter how much she try to help her out, her mother was never satifled, even to this day, Candy rasied all her brothers but one that was the baby boy by then candy started having children of her own.Well lets start from the being from age 4 years old she learn to be any adult she was the baby sister for all her cousins, wild her aunts and her mother went out and party there was a house full every weeken since she could remmber, when she was 4 years old she stayed a little while with her aunt lucy and uncle lewis bailey when her aunt lucy would go to sleep uncle lewis would play between candy legs it would hurt a lot but he told her that her aunt lucy wouldn''t love her any more so candy never said a word because she love her aunt lucy and she didn''t want her to hate her and also she was only 4 years old candy didn''t it was wrong until she gotten older.Candy one day save her aunt life you see aunt lucy had taken some rat poison she almost die,God bless her that day that candy call 911 she was saved after that her grandfather told candy mother uncle lewis was only growing her up for him self it was true, Candy thank God for him speaking for his grand daughter he was a woulderful man after that candy stayed a lot with her grand parents because her mother always told her she could never hold a man because of her and as she was comming up in life just about every step-father she candy had rape her she never had a child hood and her mother always told her it was her fault and when ever she would tell her mother she would never believie her Candy had to always get back in bed with the men to prove it to her mother then she would catch them in bed, then mea bell would put something on there tails abiut her daughter.One time in Houston Tx when she was about 9 years old she was rape her mother told her it was her fault then to. As of today candy love her mother but she don''t hang around her they never really had a relatsoinship as a mother and daughter should have together but to candy her mother died in 2000 that was her grand mother she never said a unkind word to her in life.You no it taken 38 years for her mother to tell Candy it wasn''t her fault that those men rape her,she Thank God she live to see that day but it don''t change the fact her mother still call her every name in the book and Candy still don''t do anything right because she is brown skin not dark like her others boys and right one of my brother is gone from this world he died in harris county jail he was taser to death she still put the everything on candy, I may of done all the paper work but my brother my son whom I love very much and mis him as well.Candy did her best for him when he was living who noes maybe one day mea bell will love her its hard to love someone when they want love you back speacilly when its your mother. by shirley m roberson .this is a true story but this is just part of my story.8138 record houston tx 77028 832-265-1016
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