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A Morsel Of Hope

A morsel of hope

Have you ever had a family who was loving and patient? I wish I could have.have you ever have a family who give you sound advice and help you make your way through it?I wish i could have.have you ever had a family who was supportive and taught you to hang on when everything seemed wrong?I wish I could still have.People often say i''m perfect. They say I''m great. If only they knew how  hard i tried to make things work to save a family that is I think, bound to be broken.It is like an incurable disease that is slowly killing my soul. Seven years have gone by but this long kept agony of mine still haunts me. No matter how hard I try not to blame my father for the damage he had caused, still this feeling of anger allures. Please do not judge me dor saying this but i have a reason that only God and I know.I am a happy person outside but a damaged person inside.People only see my hologram,this is not the real me.and since my family hardly ever notice me, like I don''t exist! I set my mind to be busy with my studies,see, I did not get into trouble,unlike any other teenagers whose problems are the same as mine but have chosen to cross the wrong path.In fact, i belong to the top of our class but still something is missing. It is neither the recognitions thati''ve brought home nor the certificates and medals that i want,but it is the presence of a family that i''ve been yearning for. what could be more important than a family? what could be greater than a family who loves one another? who supports one another? and what could be more perfect than a complete family?
But anyhow, I am still hoping that we can have that precious chance to be together. and in the coming year, I just pray that God will grant the wish which,I think, is the most essential for all. to have a complete family who stand up and hold each other''s hand each time they fall. A family that is filled with love is my DREAM.....

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