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Women Who Run With Wolves
(Clarissa Pinkola Este's)

"Women Who Run with the Wolves" by Clarissa Pinakola Estes.
Clarissa Pinakola Estes, calls to the real soul of the woman which hides under the thousands layers of the western modern woman of our days.
She asks women, to let their pure, wild nature go out outside - To erupt, to be, to "run with the wolves". "Run with wolves" according to Estes means, to be attentive to the real, wild, and the authentic nature of the woman.  
This is a book from the ulimate woman towards all women. Estes, a senior Jungian Psychoanalyst, researcher and story''s teller and collator, takes us to a unique quest.  She leads the woman - through a marvelous and a picturesque, implicit sensitive and vivid path - to her inner hidden worlds.
The instinctual nature of the woman, that whispers under her skin, afire in her soul and exists always, presented by her sometimes as " the river that under the river " sometimes as "the wild woman "and sometimes as "the old ancient woman that knows everything ". 
Something in the inner nature of every woman is always exists, sizzles, and survives. Women''s wild nature is ready, at any moment to arise, even if it falls asleep for "One Hundred years ".
Estes invites the woman to go down - "to dive to the depths" -to the impressive wisdom of her own soul. There and only there hides her potency, power, and the secret of her real soul.  That will be the road to achieve insights about life and about her.
This quest, diving and "swimming" in the "river that under the river " could not take a role in the normal way. The only way to touch the spiritual world of the subconscious that whispers in the woman''s soul is possible only by special and unusual activities like: ceremonies, myths, stories, creation and rituals. Those are the exclusive resources that enable to divert consciousness from his guard and let the spiritual world that whisper inside us to penetrate. This world is truly exists and waiting??.this book opens the door ?.  
The distinctive nature of those fantastical story, and fiction, is very far from what we know and from what is acceptable in the closer reality. These exclusive models of story enable to remove the "steeling screen" that stands on his guard under the service of the conscious, awareness and ego.  Listing to those unusual legends and showing the broad analyses takes us to the ''wild woman Archetype''. It will ably train the woman to listen to her deeper soul. 
Listing to those fascinating stories is actually listing to the story of the real being. The woman''s sources of renewable strength, like wolves and maybe even more then wolves, are tremendous. That is the power of; creativeness, intuitivism, knowledge and also the tremendous ability of vital existence and growth.
 Estes, takes us to a quest through stories, myths and very old folktales - her unique collection of fascinating stories which she collected all over the world -   years of listing, collecting and inquiry.   
These particular stories take us through a life quest. 
These stories came from the "collective unconscious" as Jung named it.'' Archetypes'' ? the big stories, that take place and exist in the human nature, always. Those fantastically stories that, on the expressive surface of it, are just a fairy tale; suddenly appear to be primary sources of crucial message. It gives explanations and clearly tells about mental processes in all the times and in all fields of life. By these thrilling stories  accompanied with the special and rich commentary of Estes, Women can implicitly find out how " to run with wolves " or in  other words, how to be listen and to connecul that existing and sizzling under her own skin. Listening to her own '' self'' enable, growth and mental development.  
This is an amazing and thrilling book. It is creatively produced in a rich and picturesque language.  This is a Book that will take you, if you wish , to an inner deep expedition.                            

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