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Happy Old Year
(Marcelo Rubens Paiva)

Marcelo and some friends had happy year been to use to advantage the heat, the sun, in a waterfall. He cries out glad that he would go to look a treasure and he polishes style Uncle Patinhas when polishes in its swimming pool of currencies. Flat place and it beat the head in the deep one being for some time hearing a humming, without nothing to understand. It does not obtain to move arms and legs, it has conscience that it can die drowned and to look for to prevent to breathe to float. Its mind works fast e thinks about some things until films that attended, in total haste to find a solution, also plays with the possibility of the death. Giving up it almost feels air, somebody it took off it of the water, place in foot but it is not, much blood eaves its head and seeing how much he was serious the friends they take it for a hospital. Moments of intense desperation, for it and all that were to its side also the medical body. From there in ahead Marcelo it passes for intense moments of reflection, revive as in a cinema screen the film of its life. Before irrelevant details take a great dimension. Day after day waiting an improvement and the agreement of its real situation, the hours that do not pass, talking with a crack in the wall therefore was alone what it saw for much time therefore could not be capsized. A complete dependence, an unhappy itch that it needs to count on the affection of the nursing. One day a happy notice, it already can leave the CTI and in the room it receives visits from friends, brothers and its mother, strong woman that is to its side since the day of the accident. A tip of happiness in as much bitterness. It continues the reflection of its life, rethink of the dreams, the change of the certezas for the year that soon is initiated. The Christmas is close, its friends does not lack, the new year arrives, and for it it is difficult to face the great truth, the possibility of never more floor. So new, as much hope, as much will of livi exactly in a chair of wheels is necessary the exercises. E its mind, this is not paralyzed, and crying the past she is necessary to define its future. As much time in the hospital environment, as many histories, as much pain and as much joy had passed for its front. It swims remains to make, to only desire exactly a HAPPY OLD YEAR to itself therefore will not have a new. After one year, many changes, the legs now are round, many and wonderful friends, old friends, family, leaner, with beard, do not know if it would be better deceased, it does not want to think, and it has much sleeplessness. In these insônias, always a souvenir: The shout of the search of the treasure, the Patinhas jump, the Zumbidooooooooooooooo.

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