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Shining Parents Fscinantes Professors
(Augusto Cury)

This wonderful book, comes to place to tona one of the biggest challenges of the present time: AS TO TEACH, to WHO TO TEACH and WHO TO TEACH. Future of a nation. GIFT of a nation. The child, the young. Changes, a harder world, crueler, more violent if present for them. A world that we create! As to revert, as to improve, to modify, to fix our great error. We create children without limits, feelings of union, set of respect, alone. For wanting? Não.Por necessity, ignorance, fear, room. In the school and the family the same dream: pupils and children capable to be happy, intelligent... But, we ourselves we do not know as to make. We are lost between the social and familiar duties. To educate is not synonymous of school, is all to believe the life, the potential, and to have the certainty of a better future. It must be discovered the largeness in each minimum point and be educated for the future life. To know limits, duties and rights is the essence of the healthy future. As professor, never to educate individually and yes to promote situations with the occurrence, so that if it makes in group the correction. Thus it will serve of example for all. To sow ideas, to polish as the diamond so that it shines later, is paper of the parents and of the professor, one does not substitute the other, never. To always remember that we are in a global village and at every moment changes occur, and us we must be prepared side by side to act of them and our children and young. Thus we will have winning people and mainly "Human beings '' ''".

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