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11 Minitues
(pulo cohelo)

About the author
Paulo Coelho was born in Brazil, renowned for his best novel the al chemist. The recipient of numerous international awards amongst them the crystal award by the world economic forum and France''s legion d''honneur ,he is a writer to inspire the nations .his writing style open a new horizons for the fiction .in his all writings he lead us to the spiritual world were we can realize the human minds more clearly . He is a real brave writer to write the things a normal human being is afraid to say removing the iron masks, which we are wearing from our childhood.
About eleven minutes
"And behold a woman which was in the city a sinner and when she knew that Jesus was sitting at meat in the Pharisee''s house she brought an alabaster cruse of ointment ??????." Starts his work eleven minutes we all knew this story of Magdalene Maria .but we never realize the essence of Jesus nor that of Magdalene .here in this work of Paulo he is discussing the female sexuality which is hidden on the depths of moral and modern world ,which almost us forget even the women themselves .All of us only remember that of eleven minutes, we devote ourselves in these eleven minutes. We confuse ourselves about love, sex, life, morality with these eleven minutes.
"Once upon a time there was a prostitute called Maria. Wait a minute ''once upon a time'' is how all the best children''s stories begin and prostitute is a word of adults. How can I start a book with this apparent contradiction?" After reading such an opening how can you stop reding the entire work. it is about a woman called maria . first chapters goes with the childhood of maria and her theories about life and love in her daiary .
Paulo explain about the first kiss miss maria have . as all woman in brazil who are coming from a poor background she also have her own dreams  with the fragrance off love .she learn how to masturbate . it was the end of a expedition of her own body in loneliness .she enjoyed masturbation more the sex with boys .on this she thought she hav some srious problem . her daisy says "??.all though my ain is to understand love,and although I suffer to think of the people to whom I gave my heart ,  I see that those who touched my heart failed to arouse my body ,and those who aroused my body failed to touch my heart."
I think this is the very open and very real thing which always happens with love and which we all are afraid to agree in the day light. We all think in our mind we have some problem and outside we pretend enjoying that our heart and body are both touched by the one we call our partner.
As almost every woman in brail Maria also become a beauty and have a real job offer from a Swiss man for a dance bar. She takes that offer and gone to swiss as dance bar girl.  After reaching sw.iss she realize what reality is ;she writes?.what is so awful about having to dance seven nights a week? I used to do it for pleasure , now I do it for money and fame ;my legs don?t ache,the only difficult thing is maintaining that fixed smile .i can choose a victim of world or an adventure for treasure . it is all the question of how I view my life .
   She left the dance bar and join her self as a sex worker in a club .no one force her but she herself choose it ????I have discovered why a man pays for a woman ;he needs to be happy what I will loose if I decide to become a ??it is a difficult word to think or even to write ?but let us be blunt ?.what I have to loose  if I decide to become a prostitute for a while ? Honor, dignity self respect although when I think about it I never had any of those things..
So she become a prostitute and along in the turn of pages we come to know about a painter .he see the real light in her face and he fall in love with her and she also fall in love a real love everlasting love ???..so don?t wait take the book called 11 minutes read it and realize we all r nots with soul but souls which have visible part called body .
It is only really only forty five minutes, and if you allow time for taking off clothes making some phoney gesture of affection, having a bit of banal conversations and getting dressed again, the amount of time spent actually having sex is about eleven minutes . Eleven minutes world revolved around something that only took 11 minutes  

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