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Art To Love, Passion To Suffer

In the Sanctuary of Wisdom, the Great Hearts clash. ?The Wise ones, makers of the world and holders of any wisdom and all knowledge, met this day around ?the Tree with palaver? to determine what that one is this disease calls ?Love?! Their secret mission is to diagnose this disease, to determine the effects of the Love and to find a vaccine of it. In short,to relieve the hearts of human while putting an end to the Love. Among these divinities, only one human being with which been able to infiltrate: H'' Lov?, human which was made Sage and which will go to the meeting of the Love, this evil from which the Human ones suffer. Ultimate conquest of Wise by which will be got out the history of Nora, young person and charming coed, who makes the meeting of the Alex beautiful young man suddenly. From this meeting will be born a true history from love, and the thunderbolt will be with go. But the old man Gaspardh, eternal guardian angel of his Nora daughter, will do all to deprive it of any contact with any man, this in order to preserve it of the perverts and in order to offer it itself in marriage to a man of its choice? this family combat, Chancelvie and its Danazo friend will add their contribution to the building: indeed, Chancelvie has it also love for Alex. In its turn, it will very make to rot the life of Nora and the relation that this one maintains with the man his heart? The war occurs and everyone separates brutally, after all the harmful events which proceeded before between the various actors? 18 years afterwards, Alex who had exiled itself for the Occident returns for holidays in his native land, with his wife. Justified to have a sexual intercourse with a woman of ?at his place?, it falls on a prostitute who is actually only the fruit of her love with Nora, girl whose it is unaware of the existence? history completely to be followed. Spiritual madness: a work lives by that which reads it. Any open Man of Spirit must have read this book; any closed Man of spirit must read it in order to grow? Lastly, a remedy counters the evils of the company. All public. http://hbrown.unblog.fr

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