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Disney''s Wonderful World Of Knowledge
(msrsbd/abstract, the oringinal author is Guid Martina)

Remember the words of your Uncle Scrooge and learn to take care of all the riches we have on our lovely planet. In the long run it is far more important that we have clean air and rivers, fresh flowers, and tall trees than all the diamonds and rubies and gold of our wildest dreams. The flowers, trees, and sky of our world may not fill your pockets with money but they can make you feel rich and happy. A daisy is just as fine as th Kohinoor and even more of a miracle. Our planet, earth, is indeed a treasure chest. However, all treasure chests have bottoms. Much of the water, however, is absorbed by the roots of plants and trees. And, of course, both man and animals depend on rain and snow for many of the neccessities of everyday life. The three most important things that pop into Uncle Srooge''s mind are drinking water, bathing water, and-naturally=water for swimming.Water, like other liquids, is made up of tiny particles called molecules. The beat from the sun makes these water molecules rise from our rivers, oceans, lakes, and streams. Once these molecules are high above the earth''s surface, they join millions of dust particles. Together the molecules and dust particles become water droplets. It takes millions of these droplets to form dark clouds. Whenever these clouds appear nearby, we know it''s time to take cover. Much of the rain or snow falls into our oceans and lakes. From there, the beat of the sun will once again attract the water molecules skyward, where the same process will be repeated.Interesting piece of information from one of Disney Encyclopedia.

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