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The Right Question
(John Mason)

Catch the Chance and Get Your Dreams

NOW is the most important time. The reason why most of people don''t succeed in their life is because they step aside when they meet the chance and shake hand with the postponement. Postponement is a step to avoid the available chance. For people that have a strong defence, there is always a chance and time. Don''t just sit down and wait until the chance comes in front of you, but try to reach whatever you want in your life.The chance''s door will not open by itself if u never try to push it. 
A wise person will create more chances and have great efforts to reach the wants. This life is full of gold chance. People have many chances that can be done by them, it is just a choice, whether they want to catch the chances or just let the chances go away from their life. Therefore, start with what you can do first, don''t stop because of the thing that you can''t do. A bigger chance will come to you if you welcome to the small chances. Most of people think that a chance means the time to get money without having to try their best with working hardly to achieve the goal. When you meet the good chance, you also have to know how to use the chance wisely with the greatest effort. The best gift that we can get is CHANCE, not a thing. So, don''t miss every chance that come in front of you.

People that have a high imagination never feel alone and never lose idea. You are created to have a creativity. Your eyes are created to find the chance and your ears are created to listen to the direction. Develop your creativity everyday. All of the great things come from people''s imagination. The successful people is a dreamer that make their dreams come true. Learn to see the invisible thing and develop your imagination and creativity. Those are part of success. Everything is possible if you really want to. Therefore, don''t ever give up, there is no fail. If you think you fail, it means you are too easy to give up. Find a way to do something, not find a way to stop everything. Successful is measured by your desire to keep trying hard and be a creative person.

GBU all..


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