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Staying Safe Online - For The Parents,teens And Kids

Staying Safe Online - for the parents,teens and kids

Some sites are designed as safe as possible but that doesn''t make your safe.Sites don''t give your personally profile information,screen all photos before other users can see them,screen public comments.Before two users can send mail, they have to be mutual matches,don?t allow you to pass email addresses and phone numbers through match mail system,do everything to ensure that adults aren?t posing as teenagers and vice versa. You must be smart and responsible cause in real life you would never give private information to a stranger.Play by the same rules online it''s not diferent.There are some basic rules:
- Don''t give any personal information like screenname,e-mail,address or phone nuber.
- Talk to your parents if you are under 18,check with them if they agree for you to register to age-appropriate sites - Do not release your password to anyone. - You must watch what are you saying cause it''s a public place. - Never meet someone face-to-face that you know only from the Internet. - If you think that someone is lying or you are feeling uncomfortable JUST STOP TALKING,BLOCK.You don''t need to explane why and you can reported to the site moderators. - Don''t open emails from people you don''t know - the emails may be spam that could give your computer a virus.
- Check with your parents before you buy anything online or download.The websites gives you the informations like that to secure yourself.
Also, parents must learn their children how to stay safe on the internet.
There are tools and filters to keep you safe online.Make the webs a safer place to surf and protect from online dangers,especially from online sexual predators or porn.
Parents are constantly struggling with ways to keep their children safe online.The Internet has a global reach and at this point no bounds, or limitations. Children should be educated in order to protect themselves.

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