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Women In India

Social Ineqalities And Women In India

Still women are fighting for gender eqality.Still women are blamed

for not bearing child dowary abuse.
Girls are not sent to good schools boys are prefered to be sent to

to expensive schools.it is because of dowary that is given
by girls parent at the time of girls marriage, so girl is considered

burden on parent.Dowary is given in form of money car flat utensile

jewellary and furniture.

Domestic violence against women within the family includes dowry related harrassment

and murder and wife beating marital rape and so on.
women have been conditioned to accept their lot for centuries.Women in general are

marginalized.Not only dalit muslim, hindu women too have been covered in submission.
our society is male oriented society and it literally is a man,s world.
From birth itself a women,s lot is to obey obey her father her brother and after marriage

her husband later on her son. she has no voice of her own she just cannot think of
spreading her wings and being her own person.
In india it is men''s preogative to decide women,s life like how much they should study
kind of job they can take and they are glorified for patience and sacrifice this is men,s
trick to make women fool.
In uttar pradesh 44.percent women are beaten by their husdand comman cause of beating is

disobidience of husband,s order which ranged from faliur to serve meal to quarrelling

mother inlaw.
National crime records bureaue 1995reports 106,471case of crime against
women . Crime ranged from rape kidnaping and abduction dowry death and sexual

harrassment at work place.

sexual harrassment at work place goes largely unreported due to the dependence of women

and may be whole family on the income she earns. It is grime reality ofpoverty,

unemployment and a highly insensitive police and judicial system which compel women to

compromise with rape situations since alternatives are jobless and starvation
The misuse of economic power to sexually exploit the working women is one of the

most under reported crime paticularly in rural area.
In India 9000,000 are prostitute 30 percent are femail children insted of playing with dolls the

they are made to earn due to poverty few girls told me that hunger made them to do this.
Humanrights violation takes place every second in india and in all devloping country.
Women work out side and slog at home children husband don,t extend to them the

measure of sympathy and support.
Girls who has been brought up in trditional way is likely to be handicapped by

her own personality.
In recent years the women have done well in administrative jobes but difficulty is

some what different nature men are not prepared to treat women equal and do not
work under women boss

chief minister charan singh once stated the women should not be entrusted with administrative
job and responsiability.
so it is agenral thing that women should be back to kitchen and look after children.
Women slog at home and in office so stesse has caused increase of caronary artery disease
30/ to 40/ among women

More women than men live in absolute poverty.it is difficult to say how many women

take decession about thier earning
Many women have been reduced to distitute due to ill health and old age mostly

they are agriculturer labourer whom land lord no longer employ
They swell the range of beggar . one lakhe women in age group of 20 to 44 join the rang
of distitution every year.
But now women are coming on road to get their rights. They are fighting against all
kind odiscrimination against women . They are fighting for their participation

in social production politics and education and decission making policies

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