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10 Secrets For Sucess And Inner Peace
(Wayne Dyer)

Existence in this Planet 

It exists only one vital force universal that maintains and connects in a perfect harmony! You are one of those parts in movement and you have to be here for some reason!

As spiritual being you can look to your body and be witness peaceful of your existence! The spiritual side sees the madness of the things that capture you, because your spiritual self it?s an infinite soul!

A Inner Light 

Have always deep inside yourself a imaginary Light that shines always, never care what it?s happening in front your eyes!

Let this inner Light, represent to yourself the idea that can make miracles in your life!

In the field of your thoughts, cultivate one inner voice, one attitude exclusively dedicated to yourself. Imagine one part of yourself that only encourages and loves yourself!

Be free every moment 

Let everything come and go freely! Enjoy everything but never make your happiness or success dependent of something, place and, mainly a person. True love is see someone how he/she really is, not what he/she should be or if that person loves you back!

Your life is play of theatre with several acts, some personages have short roles to perform, others longer, some are the bad guys, others the good persons. But all are necessary, if not wouldn?t enter in this play. Receive them with open arms and forward to the next act!

Hope and Patience 
You can have a inner vision what pretend come true and same time disconnect of the result! The infinite patience can be certain what you want will take place with perfection on the right time! When you disconnect from all results about you expect, you will be in peace and will see ?fruits? of your convictions?!

Try not take your life to much serious. You can end any kind of pain by remind always yourself that nothing in the world is personal!

Here and Now 

All that you have it?s here and now, so, don?t Let the passing fast present moment be spoiled by thoughts that doesn?t belong here and now!

You will know truly God when, in your mind you give up about past and future and immerse truly on ?here and now?, because God is always here and now!

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