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Romeo Y Julieta
(William Shakespeare)

The intrigues it, the rivalry, the destiny and the death, are the fundamental elements vivify this one incomparable work of William Shakespeare, who is catalogued like classic of classic, in world-wide Literature. A classic one is closest perfectly. Example to imitate. - William Shaskespeare, was born in Stranford, England, in the creek of the Avon river the 26 of April of 1564. He dies in the same city in 1616, was hardly 52 years old. He was son of a modest retailer who tormented by the debts, single could offer basic training him, but the talent of the artist prevailed mainly by its disadvantages. History is developed in Verona, Italy, in where two families live who are rival, the Montesco and the Capuleto. Inheriting unique Romeo of the Montesco, enters without being invited to the dance of mask of the Capuleto and there she knows Julieta, unique daughter of the Capuleto. Both fall in love at first sight. Knowing that their parents never would allow their union, they marry privily, with the aid of Fray Lorenzo. He himself day of the ceremony, Teobaldo insults Romeo, in spite of it, this one last one, refuses to fight itself, but Mercutio, the best friend of the Montesco young person establishes duel with Teobaldo until death. Romeo tries to separate them and Teobaldo takes advantage of the opportunity to hurt mortally to Mercutio. Then Romeo challenges to Teobaldo and comes to his friend, killing to his adversary. The prince of indignant Verona by the events until death condemns to Romeo or exile. Romeo is desperado because he will be separated of Julieta, but Fray Lorenzo advises to him to escape to Mantua, until its marriage with Julieta can be published and it meets with her. Romeo flees to Mantua, after a last interview with Julieta. Count Paris, relative of the prince requests the hand of Julieta and he is granted to him. Julieta refuses and requests aid to the Fray Lorenzo, who advises to him that he accepts the wedding and gives a small bottle to him with elexir that will sink it in a cataleptic state, seemed to the death, indicates to him to take it the night previous to the wedding and it commits itself to be next to her when it wakes up in cripta of the family, accompanied by Romeo; later both would escape. Fray Lorenzo sends a messenger to Romeo (Fray Juan) so that it comes with Julieta. The messenger does not find it and this one is warned by its servant (Balthasar) of which Julieta has died. It leaves immediately towards Verona. Romeo arrives at cripta of the Capuleto, being with Paris that was going to deposit flowers to its future wife. The Count gets infuriated when he sees Romeo, both fight itself to duel and gains Romeo, soon he approaches Julieta he kisses it for the last time and he takes poison passing away on the feet from loved his. Then Fray arrives Lorenzo who sees the bodies of Paris and Romeo. Wide-awake Julieta and the Friar tries to convince it, but the young person refuses when seeing his dead husband. Fray Lorenzo goes away of the place. Julieta approaches Romeo, kisses it and it is hurt with the dagger of loved his, occurring death. The guards learn to Fray Lorenzo and Balthasar. Fray Lorenzo reveals the truth before a the prince of Verona, the Montesco and the Capuleto.Con the death of Romeo and Julieta, seals La Paz between two rival families. The illegal interference of Fray Lorenzo who plans the worse one of the strategies, mistakes the informant of Romeo, who when seeing it Julieta in cataleptic state, quickly leaves to inform to him to the boy thinking that she was dead; there the tragedy comes.

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