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The Golden Cup
(Marcia Willett)

This is a story about a difficult choice made by a young woman in critical circumstances and the ripple effect this has on her and the next two generations of the family. Marcia Willett?s narrative is set in a beautiful valley leading down to the dramatic North Cornish coastline, and begins by highlighting the frail condition of elderly Honor Trevannion, whose family are gathered around her as she approaches the end of her life. But Honor has a secret, and when an American stranger turns up looking for a long lost relative, old ghosts and feelings are brought to the surface once more. She entrusts her well-loved granddaughter with the task of searching out a bundle of old letters, and through these, Honor?s true story is told. The author has an undoubted gift for writing evocative and atmospheric prose, and her attention to detail is meticulous. The use of descriptive phrases and similes is inspiring and creates vivid mental pictures. Although the story begins rather slowly, and characters are dropped into the narrative without explanation of who they are in relation to each other, it isn?t difficult to start to link them into a framework, as there aren?t too many of them. Very gradually the reader is drawn into a web of feelings, portrayed with a skill that catches the attention almost imperceptibly at first, until a full awareness of the quality of the storytelling becomes apparent. This isn?t classic literature, but the reader is cradled in this gentle, moving tale, which weaves its way towards its conclusion with great compassion and understanding of human emotions. The captivating, beautifully constructed scenes and chapters, populated with characters it is easy to become attached to, create a tale that will stay in the memory long after the last page has been turned.

Resumos Relacionados

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