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Cheap Psychological Tricks


PAGES: 340


Perry Buffington
rips open your mind and comes up with hilarious yet scientifically proven and
light-hearted tricks that can improve your life.


You had asked
for a pay rise; you did not get. ?So what went wrong?? you ask. Reason, you
hadn?t learned the Cheap Psychological Trick (CPT) that almost guarantees a
raise higher than you dreamt of.

So what is the
trick to get raise you deserve? The first thing is to ask what you want.
Buffington say, once you join an organization, ask for higher salary than you
think you need. This will help boost your employer?s perception of you.


Would you like
to be happy? Try this out and you will improve your happiness quotient. Watch
daytime talk shows and note the crazy, often depressing lives people are
leading. Compare yourself to that individual worse off than you, thereby
increasing the probability of your happiness.


suggests you get rid of plates that have design so as to avoid overeating. Apparently,
when there is a design or pattern on the china, we tend to eat until we see the
design clearly. His advice is to eat from plates with no design or plain white
china. He says, ?Without the design
present to influence you, you have less incentives to clean your plate?. The
author also cautions against eating from yellow or red plates or establishments
with such décor. ?When surrounded by such
colors?, he says, ?we have a tendency
to eat faster and more?.


Guys, if you
have a problem peeing in public, the trick is to adopt an aggressive posture,
therefore, keeping others from using the urinal next to you by intimidating
them. You could also try whistling while at it. This will take your mind off
the task and allows the body to automatically take over.


Timing is
another crucial trick Buffington advises on. He says the best time to return a
phone call is in the morning, as opposed to afternoon, saying the conversation
will be more productive and pleasant and the chances of getting a ?yes? are
much higher.

A boss who wants
to fire an employee should do so in the afternoon. This is because your
physiology is primed for a fight; it will be easier for you to be ruthless.

Avoid making
afternoon appointments for job interview, the author says, the interviewers
will be less critical during the morning hours.


He also lets you
in on how to buy a gift that will not ended up being rejected, and says, there
is a way to increase your odds of choosing an appropriate gift. Most people, he
says, select gifts based on their assessment of the other person?s personality
and it is difficult to translate these appraisals into gifts. Pay attention to
actions more than personality, when selecting a gift, and select items related
to what they enjoy doing.


And what is the
psychological trick to catch a liar? Liars? voices become high pitched when
they are trying to hoodwink a mark. A liar gesticulates very little, and sounds
very distant when making things up and usually offer little descriptive
phrasing. Liars, the author says, always stumble over words and stammer.


The book also
reveals how you can get a secret out of someone. Buffington cautions against
begging for a secret instead, say things like ?give me a hint? or ?let me
guess?. One other trick is sharing information of your own. Tell something
juicy about yourself and the other person will feel compelled to continue the
volley of gossip.


And if you have
trouble sleeping he suggests that when you go to bed, don?t close your eyes but
just concentrate on staying awake. He says, you will be amazed at what a good
night sleep you?ll finally get.

Gossip at work
or at home or any social gathering is a norm. Everyone participates, even if
only as a listener. Gossip thrives in an atmosphere of secrecyand competition.
There is only one trick to play down a rumor. A simple denial combined with a
positive statement about the subject will work wonders. Study of anti-gossip
strategies found that focusing on the positive attributes of the person or
thing being targeted stopped gossip in its tracks.


When you find
yourself in a situation where you need to free yourself from people who are
bothering or threatening you, how would you repulse them?. Disgust them or make
them feel uncomfortable.


The author shows
how you can make an embarrassing situation bearable. He advises not to hide but
show your embarrassment. ?in any situation where you come across as a
vulnerable human being, do so. People will like you better when you don?t
pretend to be superhuman or incapable of an error?, he says.

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