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The Secret
(Rhonda Byrne)

The Secret is a beautiful "little" book that can be read through in a couple of hours and has the capacity to affect you for a lifetime.
The Secret is simply "The Law of Attraction", i.e. whatever we put attention on, i.e. we spend our time thinking about, that is what we attract most of all into our lives. If our thoughts are full of love, and joy, these will be attracted to us in the events of our lives. If our thoughts are full of fear, anxiety and disappointment, that is what we draw more of, into our lives. The greatest energy is emitted by emotions such as love and gratitude. Therefore, when we live our lives with those emotions, when we are grateful for all the gifts that are given to us in our lives, we attract more of the same.
The Secret not only explains these principles in a very simple manner, it also provides many tales and anecdotes of people who have re-discovered and used these principles. There are tales that can be termed "miracles" like the guy who recovered from an almost-fatal accident. There are also tales of the smaller, everyday beauties - the happenings that put a smile on our faces, for little things that turn out right, and negativities turned into positives.
All this is explored and explained in various chapters eg Life, You, Health etc.

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