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Platonic Love
(Ruth Maria Ortiz Perez)

I want to tell your what I am feeling in my heart.
I am happy that I let (my last love) go....
I know that he was not the one for me....
 I will never stop searching for love.....I am crying....I loved them for many years....it was love at first sight...

Its not good to have platonic love.
Someday you will show your true emotions....
You can''t keep your love a secret forever
I told him but it was too late....
Now all I have are my memories....I feel like I have lost everything...I lost him....I know....Now there is nothing I can do to bring him back....
Only a miracle could bring him back to me....Never do tomorrow what you can do today...
Experience is my teacher....

by Ruth Maria Ortiz Perez.

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- For My True Love

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- Love

- True Love?????

- I Think About The Love!!!

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