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Something Whit Grass

Our presence in this world on butter not more this than again was born for new one experiences somebody else and somebody else in a body,and in a soul?conscious and subconscious énünk so many of his dates an where shapelier,where in a more cumbersome body,words seeming commonplaces ,honour ,character,friendship,love on the schools'' of the life huge slate,schoolboy we do not practise this in any lives of ours this,merely our fancy dress changes meanwhile?forgotten ,from our ancestors we may find our heritage about which we were let have our way this reading behind the rows?
In the triangle of the heart and soul body away we are top notch this to balance in that manner,that we leave the daily atrocities out of consideration,it our material world''s most capital ruler and keeping his commander nourishing sufficiently?on a thin boundary ,thorns lurking,skilfully hanging around the emerging tempters and haunting unlikely and to cease to be not wanting ,their face sunflower his changing rows,searching and I -finding his most important stations ,modest we feel it as road sign this book his rows. If he is each single written one considering his rows carefully ,into our environment adapting present -live in this world,the from a two-horned devil playing the harp nymph was assuaged we could change it to a paradise,the already tired ,but for his survival fighter ,our expensive Earth,Ariadné thread may not help with the labyrinths of our age in the search of the efferent road yet,irreversibly the own one falls into his trap, which does not have many promising things in store for the spiritual growth being dwarfed by the newer evisceration of the technique totally,. We do not take note of the destruction of our real values inserting our head in sand,nature got it from the destruction of our ancient relics,the Into sacrosanct dimness from his ruin.the direction of our brightest stars this

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