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Web Style Guide - Basic Design Principles For Creating Web Sites
(Lynch, P.J.and Horton, S.)

 Abstract: This book is an essential guide for web site designers as it offers a very clear and concise advice on creating well designed and effective web sites. It focuses on the effective man-machine interface and attractive graphic design principles that underlie the best web site design. A good web site acts as showcase for attracting customers and retaining them for revisiting and doing business. The quality of website and its visibility is the secret of success of many e-commerce players.
The authors provide an expert path-way on issues ranging from planning and organizing goals, to design strategies for a  web site, to the elements of individual web page design, which contains both text and images.
 Lynch and Horton discuss classic principles of design, how these principles apply to web design, and the issues and constraints of designing complex, multi-layered  web sites. They have deliberately shifted their focus away from the emphasis from HTML and glitzy, gimmicky graphics and instead they have dealt with concerns of bending and adapting HTML to the purposes of graphic page design. They have well recognized that the home page and infect every  web page  has to be customer focused to remain a leader in e-commerce  applications

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