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The Great Book Of Amber
(roger zelazny)

 Where is Amber? It is at the root of reality. Earth, Camelot, Avalon- they are all but shadows of the one true world, figments of the royal blood imagined. Pattern and Chaos rule and provide the power to shift shadow into the creation of new, and at times, strange lands. Amber is a place of majestic beauty, where Tarot are used as a communicating device between the sons and daughters of Oberon, where royal blood is endowed with strength and longevity. 

 But all is not well, even in beautiful Amber. Familial loyalty is all but non existent, and patricide suspected. It is difficult to imagine honor amongst a line who would see the eyes burned from their own kins'' head, but find it you will, along with some extremely poignant philosophical discussions that will stay with you long after you have closed the cover on this fantastic story.

 The Great Book of Amber is comprised of Chronicles 1-10, beginning with Nine Princes In Amber and ending with Prince of Chaos. Zelazny was undoubtedly a brilliant writer with a master imagination as Amber so illustrates. He drawls the reader in from the very beginning and leaves them wanting more- even after page 1258.
 Other books written by Roger Zelazny:
                              A Night in the Lonesome October
                              Lord Of Light
 Books by Roger Zelazny and Jane Lindskold:
                              Lord Demon

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