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Things Fall Apart
(Chinua Achebe)

  The book is about a man called Okwonkwo. This man was a man
who was strong in what heb believed and he hated the lazy as he said
that theyb were of no use just like his father. He had a family with
two wives and children in which he was a head of the family being a man
of no jokes at all.        
      This man held his traditions but later things
started to fall apart. First he had to kill Ikemefunwa as a sacrifice
for one member of his tribe killed a member of Okwonkwo''s tribe.
Okwonkwo saw that was not fair but acoarding to his tribe it was fair
and good. Then he accidentely killed a young man in a funeral
ceremony.The price he paid for this is exile for seven years in which
he had to go away from his village to Mbanta. When he was there, the
whites came to his home village and brought some changes to the
society. In his arrivement after exile,everything was upside down. Even
the elders lost the courage of fighting for their traditions. Okwonkwo
did not accept the changes and as he had no support, ha killed himself.

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