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Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
(Nenu Adrian Mircea)

I think that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire its the goodest book that J.K. Rowling has writed ever. It is full of imagination and many magic creatures and of course the contes of the three wizards adn the 2 new schools that exists in the magic world. Also apeares Mood Eye as the new teacher and Valdemort is rebound from a tiny creeature at the end and the miraculkso aprt is when Harry is saved from Valdemort with the help from his parents and frends.    I like when Moody tells the class about the three courses and when he transforms malf boy in a dihor but also i like when the other 2 magic schools make theyr presentations.But terifiating is the labirint were all of the four concurents are going mad and Victor Crum atakes Fleur Delacour.

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