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Avalon High
(Meg Cabot)

  For the young and the young at heart this book is highly recommended. This book will make your imagination work and it will make you laugh and feel romantic.
  The book revolves around the life of a senior high school student transferring to a different school which is Avalon High. There she meets the very handsome quarterback Will. They feel an instant connection but there is a problem. Will has a girl friend and evil forces are at work. Soon Ellie realizes that there supposed to be wack teacher is making conclusions that they are reincarnations of our beloved arthurian characters. Everything is happening so fast as they soon realize that those out of the world conclusion are true. They have to safe the world once again from the evil forces with the help of the order of the bear. The order of the bear is an organization that believes that king Arthur is just sleeping and will once again rise again to save the world. They believe that Ellie is the Lady Elaine of Astolat but she does not want to believe it. For her, the lady Elaine is a woman who killed herself for some guy which is not like her. is Ellie really the reincarnation of The Lady Elaine or someone else. Read the book to find out more. A very good read if you want a good laugh trip and to do some light reading. 

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