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The Secret
(Enquist, Anna)

                              Music that heals a broken heart         
"If music be the food of love, play on give me excess of it, that surfeiting the appetites may sicken, and so die that strain again - it had a dying fall: O, it came o? er my ear like the sweet sound, that breathes open a bank of violets" William shakes pears.        Music help to let go your problem, Art takes its colours from the mind music swelled into you?re a passionate cadence, melodies crossed and re-crossed you like rays of light glittering among green leaves, voices birds and streams and tossing waterfalls chimed in with songs of love and playful merriment, anon came wilder strains of grief and angry clamour, cries of despise were heard echoing through the thunderous noise of some relentless storm, farewells ever lasting shrieked amid sobs of reluctant shuddering agony.          As you are listening to your very best music, before your eyes came a black mist gathered slowly and the thought of your mind saw a great rocks bursting asunder. Into flame, and drifting is lands in a sea of fire, faces, wonderful, hideous beautiful, peered at you out of a darkness denser than night and in the midst of this there came a tune, complete in sweetness and suggestion, a piercing sword like tune that plunged into you very heart and rankled there. You breath will fail you, you senses swam, you w ill feel that you must move, speak, cry out your problem and implore that this music, this horribly insidious music should cease ere you will swooned with the voluptuous poison of it. When with a full chord of splendid harmony that roved out upon the air like a breaking wave intoxicating sounds ebbed away into silence.       If you follow this step with all your mind, your mind will be too occupied with you own thought, you will find our that something in the music had instilled itself into your blood or so your fancied and the clinging subtle sweetness of it and moved you to strange emotions that were neither wise, nor worthy of a man.       So is your choice to chose whether to play off your problem with music or not. But for me that is just the only way out, as a lover of Arts. "Go" away dear husband, I?m not ill, she said impatiently "I feel better, much better than I have done since years. The music does me good".        BY  favour ifeoma okoro

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