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Jorge Amado
(instituto maraes sales)

Son of João Amado of Would make and of D. Eulália Leal, Jorge Amado de Faria make was born in day 10 of August of 1912, in the Auricídia farm, in Ferradas, district of Itabuna - Bahia. The couple had more three children: Jofre 1915, Joelson 1920 and James 1922. With only ten months, it inside sees its father to be wounded in an ambush of its proper farm. In the following year a smallpox epidemic compels the family to leave the farm and if to establish in Ilhéus. In 1917 the family changes itself for the Taranga Farm, in Itajuípe, where its father comes back to the chore in the cacao farming. In 1918, already
knowing to read for its mother, Jorge she returns the Ilhéus and she starts to frequent the school of D. Guilhermina, teacher who did not hesitate to use the palmatória and to impose other punishments its pupils. In the year of 1922 jornal, the Lens creates one, that is distributed for neighbors and relatives. At this time it goes to study in Salvador, in regimen of boarding school, the College Antonio Vieira, of Jesuit priests. The beautiful writing that presented to the priest Luiz Gonzaga Cabral, with the heading of the Sea, it relieves compliments and makes with that the religious pass to loan books to it of Portuguese authors and other parts of the world. Two years later, its father goes to after take it until the college the vacations. They say farewell themselves and Jorge, instead of entering in it, runs away. He travels for two months until arriving at the house of its paternal grandfather, Loved Jose, in Itaporanga, the Sergipe. The order of its father, its uncle Alvaro takes it in return for the farm in Itajuípe. Romancista of the country, translator of the essence and the color of the Bahia, deep expert of the Brazilian soul and creative greater of inesquecíveis personages, Loved Jorge launched Tieta of the Wasteland in 1977. The book, transformed immediately into bestseller, would give to the Gabriela and Dona Flower - two great feminine personages of Loved consecrated by Sonia Braga - a weight friend. More mature than its colleagues, Tieta of the Wasteland presents a classic dramatical situation: of the woman whom it comes back rich and powerful to the city of where it are it banishes 26 years before, when still it was adolescent. To its return they are typical representatives of the bahian interior, fighting for the survival, defending or resisting the preconceptions, longing for small ambitions and that they compose an alive panel of the villager conflicts that precede the arrival of progress signals - and its consequences. Tieta arrives par excellence at the screens with the interpreter of the feminine soul of Loved Jorge, Sonia Braga. As we can evidence, its workmanship includes pearls as Sea Died, a magical picture of the risky life of the fishing and canoeiros of the coastal northeastern and the magic that the sea exerts in the control of the life and it uncontrol of the death; or Cacao that describes without aesthetic style or the life of the wage-earners of the cacao, morally dominated for the colonels, but stimulated for a breast of judge for the improvement of its conditions of life, or still Tent of the Miracles that discloses to the magical world of the cults afro-Brazilians. It is this fruidora narrative that made of Loved Jorge one of the biggest writers of century XX in Brazil, whose literary production is known world-wide. Writer since the adolescence, Loved Jorge follows the literary style of the modern romance. In its books the domain of the physicist exists on the conscience. Its personages generally are planters of cacao, fishing, craftsmen and people who live next to the wharf, in Salvador, Capital of the Bahia.publicou its first romance, the parents of the carnival, in 1931. were married in 1933, with matilde pink Garci''a, who had a son, in this year published its as romance, cacao. In 1944 national constituent in the legend of the party was elect of the&nbsassembléia member pcb was the representative more voted of the state of São Paulo, loved Jorge was the author of the law still today in vigor, that assures the right the religious freedom of worship. In this exactly year, gattai was married zélia. They are its books: The Country of the Carnival, Cacao, Jubiabá, Lands of the one Without end, the Death and the Death of Quincas Berro d´Água, Red Seara, the Knight of the Hope, the World of the Peace, the Underground of the Freedom, Gabriela, Cravo and Canela, Sweat, Sea Died, Sand Captains, Are Jorge of the Ilhéus, the Old Sailors, the Shepherds of the Night, Owner Flower and its Two Husbands, ABC de Castro Alves, the Love of the Soldier, Bahia of All the Saints, the Road of the Sea, Tereza Tired Batista of War, Tieta of the Wasteland, Farda Fardão and Camisola de Dormir.

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- Jorge Amado

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