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The Da Vinci Code
(Dan Brown)

What starts off as yet another hashed-up, ?wrong-place-at the-wrong-time? murder mystery soon turns into a gripping, fast-paced odyssey, which is potent enough to make you question your religious beliefs. Such is the mastery shown by Dan Brown in his sequel to Angel & Demons, that, blasphemous as it may be, it is certainly riveting to the ?T?. One can only imagine the long hours of pain-staking research that must have gone into writing a plot so engaging, that its worth the money, fame & critical acclaim it garnered after being published. The characters are believable, although Silas seemed like someone straight out of a James Bond movie (henchmen with weird sense of style). The dialogue between characters is interesting & makes you wanna keep turning those pages & not look at the watch or hear your empty stomach protest with loud groans of disapproval over missing lunch (& possibly dinner as well). Before this book was published, it was hard to imagine, that one of the world?s most famous paintings, drawn by Da Vinci could spark of such a genius of an idea. To imagine that Da Vinci could have hidden secret messages in his paintings for the members of the Priory of Sion, almost makes look at his paintings from a totally different perspective. No conspiracy theory is as preposterous yet Dan Brown has made it possible to even harbor a though of that nature. Everyone I?ve known to have read the book cannot stop talking about it to this date. I don?t think any novel has made such ripples in the literary world with its implications as this one has. Just when I thought that the word would be resigned to wait in anticipation for yet another Harry Potter book to cause such an excitement, Brown came up with this masterpiece. What a masterful story-teller he is. Cant wait for his next. Definitely a must read.

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- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

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