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Is It Right To Punish Our Children?
(Adam V. De Asis)

Yes? They are young enough at their age to know what is the right or wrong thing to do. 
Thats why we shouldn't tolerate them to commit mistake or any form of wickedness just only to justify them for their innocence of many things . We are mandated and taught by god to rebuke and correct them to direct their path. So that corresponding sanction such as punishing them is just upon the eyes of god.  Accordingly to Proverbs 13:24 " He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him" 

Many country has strongly recommended abortion, and due to facing a predicament of taking care children they even let them be adopted. But truthfully we should not having thought the encumbrance of taking ourselves accountable for them for their are gift from god. They are sent by god for his perpect purpose upon the parents. It is to really see the exposure of god's love unto the children.  Accordingly to Provebs 127:3-5 " Children are a gift from god, they are his reward, children born to a young man are like sharp arrows to defend him,happy is the man who has quiver full of them. That man shall have the help he needs when arguing with his enemies"

We should be taking iniative to love our children and focus our life with them. Who knows the thing that you have been looking for eversince could be found in your children. That's why while they are still young dont be bothered to teach them about love and affection. But give them a sense of significance like what god let you feel when you are still young.
In Proverbs 22:6 " Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it"

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