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On Christianity, New Age And Reincarnation
(Jaime T Licauco)

I have lived as a devout Roman Catholic for twenty two years now without questioning where my faith came from. It has been six years since I last went to church and from that time on, never have I. When I was sixteen I started to question dogmas that my religion has been teaching me and have traveled in life with this questioning mind and eventually still found myself wandering and doubtful, if these things were indeed true, as most would say. "it is faith, you don''t have to see anything as a proof, you just have to believe in it." I admire some persons being mentioned in the bible like Jesus of Nazareth, but if you try to really read the bible, you would find out that there are years of his life missing, notice that only his Godly side was mentioned and never was his human side, his earthly desires, after all he became human like us right, and never will you see any lines from the book that shows things attributed to his being a human. According to the recently discovered Judas'' Gospel, Jesus was also linked to Mary Magdalene, there are several occasions where they have shown intimacy with each other, well, why question them, isn''t it that he also did became a human, it''s but natural for him to fall and manifest such emotion.

Reading Licauco''s book somehow disturbed my mind, but as I turned the pages, it showed me inner insights and has given me the opportunity to find answers and has given me several options, the option to weight things on different perspective and the ability to judge things considering not just one side but all the possibilities.

Going back to the roots of Catholicism, it is undeniable that several books of the bible had been hidden and intentionally removed from the so-called "Holy Book", why is that? Could it be that the church is hiding some things that they know would corrode Christian faith and consequently this would mean collapse from the power that religion is holding on?

Blind obedience, that''s what I call it. Yes indeed, I firmly believe that we are still in a Medieval Era where people are still being controlled by individual power with selfish interests. We have been living in a very vague decade, we always claim that we have already reached our intellectual potential as humans, but I guess were not yet at that point and we would never be unless we open our minds and question things that have been ruling this earth. Only those daring enough and open-minded can gain the fruits of higher spiritual learning. Reading the book would definitely arouse curiosity and guide you to understanding what lies beneath our Christian faith, are the bases for these religious claims valid? Only you can answer these questions, you were given freewill and wisdom, therefore use these gifts in finding your meaning and purpose in life.

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