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I''ll Be You''re Sweetest Downfall

I''ll be you''re sweetest downfall

I?ll be your sweetest downfall
I?ll be you?re someone you can call home, when everything?s unwell
Let me remind you how beautiful life has to offer all

One day things will surely go your way,
Maybe now life has been anxious
You?re quite strength is what I really loved about you
Cleverness is you?re greatest gift and looking good is just an added syrup
No doubt why people adore you, it?s you, that?s you?

I?ll be your sweetest downfall
I?ll be you?re someone you can call home to when everything?s unwell
Let me remind you how beautiful life has to offer all

As I sit here and staring at you
I am blissful, I know? I know?
To hear your sweet voice
I am breathing
You?re eyes, you?re eyes
I see the glow in you
The smell of you?re manly
Excites my feminism
You?re smile
It?s enduring
Kissing you?re lips
It feels like I?m on ecstasy
To hug you
Is like cuddling the clouds in the sky
Being with you is like a dream come true

I?ll be your sweetest downfall
I?ll be you?re someone you can call home to when everything?s unwell
Let me remind you how beautiful life has to offer all

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- Poemas Y Prosas De Una Enamorada

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


