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The Life In Front Of You
(Émile Ajar)

This book was written by a french author of russian origin, won the Goncourt award in 1975. It is a shocking novel and a revolution against racism. In this book of extraordinary magic and atmosphere, a young arabian boy, Momo talks with fresh, childish clairvoyance, precocious sagacity and astonisingly innocent obscenity about serious moral questions, about love, friendship and even about society and politics. The story is revealed slowly about mama Rosa, an old jewish woman, who becomes sicker and sicker and who maintained a day care for the children of sluts, where Momo lived as well. She has a special place in his heart, and when her conditions became worse, he is the one, who takes care about her till the very end. The other person who has big influence on the boy is mister Hamil, an old arab, who helps him to form his identity, but lthen ooses his mind. Momo has an explicit conception about life, but future scares him, once he wants to become a policeman to feel safe, the other time he wants to be a pimp, to make his "woman" safe. There is still a black transvestite, an african tribe, and a father, that appears at the end...
"They told me: You went insane for the one that you love.
I told them: Its only crazy people, that feels the taste of life!"

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