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Right Of Sanctuary

An idea, an enormous idea of norms, discard of same habitude of the common mind, of this way to follow, don?t be alone and think like the other. A communist ideal of the mind, enter in the right and don?t to exit ! On which subjects, for instance? Money! Money? A necessary in self, for go out to void and of take the way towards well-being asbolute, the materialist comfort. Do of this need his first preocupation of all the days, for eat, drink, sleep, and became like the others. Consumpt ! According to you, it?s that to become crasy. I remember me of this miss money, without adresse I wander about the street, let the time past under the spet noise, on the way of land, the flower bed, in sweat, I went, mutism, I went unvisible, dragging the misery wold, all that because unconscient, in my mad borning, in the access of frenzy, I have throwed the precious key, the chip of my blue card? Green? Have you find the help? Nothing! That are we without money? The Money itself isn?t nothing the worth... All the people know that! Questions of image, the gold is a reel worth, but imaginate that this be a others material... The chocolate, for example, but follows an others track, think to kilos, those of feather, and the lead ! And then ? Imagine that human, in the international aspect, will have taken like worth... A horse? No, the excrement, that see you? That we will be in the sheet! To opposite the system fonction, as a sheet is a resource without end, for those who doesn?t died of hungry... Pity, that this choice of this money, bizarre, don?t have been done! This rendered the system more just, with only the money, the country who cultivate the land cultures, the temperate field wii be rich, the desert stood suchlike, and you as buy a bread, you will be balad. In wheelbarrow, full of fetid sheet, the smell will be terrible! Not more terrible that the dirty money, to our days, who are we without money, without speech.... I don?t understand? An animal ! A beast? In fact, in the deeper, perhaps some animals own the value nearly of our values and perhaps it have a commercial system.

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