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Women Empoverment
(shifa nizami)

life this word consists of several years , memories , thoughts but are they all our own . there is a lot of influnece of our families,friends and especially the critisizing society.they say it the man''s world and women empoverment do not effect it but this was proved wrong .now men and women are not any more siting at home and lookin after their young ones but are leading the world to a new phase of revolution the women era has begun . womwn now walk with men in the race of life and are not left far behind the world is developing all women need to walk with it  but in some parts of india women  are still treated very badly n female feoticide it at a hiegh level this story is about a little girl named jyoti who changes the world of women in her village by self sacrifising her life.
jyoti was born in a village called ram nagar in a small district of uttranchal her father was a farmer who didnot have enough money to raise her so he started gambling inspired by his close friend named junabhai . he was a vicked man he never wanted jyoti''s father to earn money of profit . jyoti''s father lost everything he had execpt for the house in which he lived he came home late night drunk and if jyoti''s mother ask him anything he used to beat her . jyoti''s mother was a very soft hearted women  she was very loving and caring too . she started a buisness of her own by selling the jewllery her mother gave to her on her wedding day she bought herself a sewing machiene with which she used to stitch clothes and sell them in the big market in the town.she gave education to jyoti on her money which she used to keep in the floor box so that her husband dosent snatch them from her. jyoti didnot like her father at all as he uased to hit him every time he came home whenever he came home jyoti''s mother used to hide her in the cupboard to save her from her drunk violent father.years passed by now jyoti was eligible for marrige . her mother fixed an arrange marrige for her with a man who was almost the age of his father  but he earned good money. but this wasnot the end of problems but the start. jyoti''s mother in law started demanding for money as dowry but where would her mother get it . so jyoti never told it to her mother jyoti husband physically and mentally abused her . jyoti was pregenent she delevered a beautiful baby girl but she was emidiatly killed by her husband he drowned the girl in hot boiling water. jyoti couldnot tollerate this and after all this she raised her voice  she went to the police station and filed an fir against her husband and her mother in law she then went to several n gos to get help for other women who were suffering from the same problems .jyoti''s husband escaped from the prison and lit her house on fire jyoti was sleeping inside the house she could not manage to escape and was burnt . jyoti''s husband was sentenced a life time prison for murder of her wife and her daughter. all the women of the village thank jyoti for better conditions of the village and ofg women now doctors,engineers , scientist, social workers who are women come from the same village where once this incident happened

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