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Fabulous Animal
(abdelmalek el mimouni)

The best of all the Donkey, this fabulous animal, the perfect friend of the third-world man, the brave, the beautiful, the one without problems, the docile, has no rights, nothing but duties such as pulling chariots full of tons of goods and for whom only the crop provides the strength, the energy to bring them to their destination, and in the evening, it is abadoned any old where, not even the risk of being stolen! So contemptuous that it doesn''t create any desires in people. A dog needs looking after, controls and vaccinations but not so the donkey. The latter is born and will remain mediocre...In spite of this, it is the basis of numerous fortunes and riches built here and elsewhere. In the old days, in the countryside, a family without this fabulous animal was deprived of alot of things amongst which the main means of traveling, going to the Souk and weddings and visits. Accounts and documentaries made about tigres, lions, cats, jackals and others continue to make us marvel in front of the telivision screen, but no one has ever thought to immortalise a donkey on film! it''s pure injustice. Not even during the last stage in its life, when after years of sacrifice and loyal services, when for the only time in its donkey''s life it feels very tired, its tongue hanging excessively , it is shouldered by two humans who desperately try and stop it from falling while directing it towards its final destination, the slaugtherhouse where it will again have to improve the revenues of some people while giving itself for sacrifice for the happiness of the zoo animals or finishing in china plates which will certainly provide it with some happiness even posthumously.

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