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Google Adsense

Adsense is an advertising program run by Internet giant Google. Google Adsense allows you (blog owner) to sell advertising space on your blog. The program enables you to display relevant text and banner Ads on your blog?s content pages. Banner ads are the most common form of online advertising displayed at the top of many blog pages. Google pays you a fee when the visitor clicks on the ad.When you join the Adsense program, you get access to Adsense for content which places ads on your content pages. Because the ads are targeted to what visitors are looking for on your blog or they match the interests of the visitors your content attracts, you earn and at the same time enhance your content pages. Google uses its vast search technology resources to serve ads based on blog content. In this regard, Adsense has become a popular choice for placing advertisements on a blog because the content of the ads is relevant to the blog. For example, ads for kitchen utensils will appear on a blog post about healthy cooking. Google has an extensive inventory of ads for all categories, business, practically for all kinds of content. If Google is unable to display targeted ads on your blog page, you can display a default ad of your choice.There is no rigid criteria to conform to for acceptance into the Google Adsense program, unlike other online ad networks that place minimum traffic requirement to be accepted. The only real criterion is acceptable content. Of course, any ad program wants to attract quality content blogs only. Assuming you already have a blog on which you can include Adsense links, you first need to be accepted into the program. The first step is to go to http://www.google.com/adsense to sign up. Google will review your blog to find out if you have the necessary traffic and the content that would bring in sufficient clicks to make your taking part in the program beneficial to Google and to you.Once you are accepted, all you need is a bit of javascript code to incorporate the advertisements into the accepted blog site. Google does the rest like providing appropriate ad links from its inventory of clients to your blog. Targeted ads will start showing up on your blog.There are two sides to Google advertising ? one for advertisers selling a product or service called Adwords and Adsense for blog publishers. Advertisers pay Google to have their ads designed using Adwords appear next to the search page results in Google and a list of significant keywords for their offerings. Google will display an ad only if the provided keywords conform to a visitor search. An advertiser pays Google on a cost per click (CPC) basis. This means an advertiser pays only for that ad if the visitor clicks on the ad and visits the advertiser?s site. Advertisers compete with one another to buy search keywords usually from five cents and above. Nevertheless, Google also takes into consideration the search engine ranking of the advertiser blog, so no one site can just buy keywords. For example, a purchase of the keywords ?digital camera? produces ads next to Google search result in its home page. Said purchase also shows Adsense ads for digital cameras on other blogs where digital cameras are mentioned.For their part, blog publishers using Adsense create relevant pages.  Blog publishers get paid a percentage of the fee that Google receives from the advertiser. This is done through a combination of a pay per click (PPC) and pay per impression basis. Impression is the number of times a specific ad has been displayed. A blog publisher is reimbursed at a fixed rate per thousand impressions. If a page isn?t significant enough, a blog publisher doesn?t get paid as much.  If your blog draws tons of traffic and you focus on a particular niche, Google will serve ads that appeal to visitors of your site. For instance, if you maintain a popular blog devoted to portable media player, you can make a windfall because of the high level of competition for related keywords. Rates for competitive keywords can exceed $1 which impacts your blog?s earning potential. Conversely, if you are in a less competitive niche, you get occasional traffic only, thus less visitors click on your ads which equates to less money earned.Google doesn?t publish the percentage it takes as a commission and only displays what the blog owner receives in member reports. However, you can make a rough estimate. The average click through rate (CTR) for online advertising is generally around 0.5 to 1%. CTR is the rate at which visitors click an advertisement usually calculated as a percentage of ad impressions (number of times a specific ad has been displayed). What each click pays is dependent on the content and keywords that are generating the ads being served.Google Adsense is not a get rich quick program. But there are documented cases of bloggers earning as much as $5,000 a month and more. In fact, Jason Calacanis sold his blog network, Weblogs Inc. for a whopping $25 - $40 million on Google Adsense revenues of $1 million yearly. There isn?t any sense why a blogger can?t earn much from Google Adsense program. Definitely, there are thousands of dollars worth of reasons to make money from Google Adsense.

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