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(arty goyal)

Newspaper is a publication devoted chiefly to presenting and commenting on the news.  Newspapers provide an excellent means of keeping well informed on current events.  They also play a vital role in shaping public opinion. 
Newspapers have certain advantages over the other major News media--television, radio, and news magazines.  For example, newspapers can cover more news--and in much greater detail--than can television and radio news bulletins.  News magazines concentrate on the chief national and international events.  But daily newspapers report local as well as national and international news. 
A large daily newspaper provides a great variety of information.  News stories cover the latest developments in such fields as government, politics, sports, science, business, and the arts.  Other news stories report crimes, disasters, and special events of human interest.  Editorials and columns of opinion comment on current issues.  Informative feature articles examine a wide range of subjects, including psychology, fashion, health, and child care.  Comic strips, advice columns, and other entertainment items also appear regularly in most daily papers.Write your abstract here.

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