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(r.k. singhal)

Shipwreck is the acciental destruction or loss of a ship.  Shipwrecks have various causes.  A Ship may be lost by striking land, another ship, or another floating object, such as an iceberg.  Fire also causes shipwrecks. 
Radios and other electronic aids to navigation that were installed on ships during the 1900''s have made ships safer.  Electronic depth finders use sound waves to measure the depth of the water, thus keeping ships from going aground (see FATHOMETER).  Radar, loran, and omega use Radio waves to monitor the location of ships, making navigation safer at night (see LORAN; RADAR ).  The global positioning system (GPS) uses signals from a system of satellites to enable ships to find their position even more accurately than with radio-based systems (see GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM). 
International agreements, including the International Conventions for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), set up safety standards for ships.  The International ice Patrol protects ships by furnishing information on drifting ice and icebergs. 
Although ships are now safer, the impact of shipwrecks that do occur is much more severe.  This is because present-day ships can carry more cargo than ever before and many cargoes are hazardous.  See also BATAVIA; DUNBAR; SALVAGE; SHIP (SafetyWrite your abstract here.

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