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Legend - Of The Saci-pererê
(Sua pesquisa .com)

The Saci-Pererê is one of the known personages more of the Brazilian folklore. I possessed up to one day in its homage: 31 of October. Probably, it appeared between aboriginal peoples of the South region of Brazil, still during the colonial period (possibly in the end of century XVIII). At this time, he was represented for an aboriginal boy of brown color and with a tail, that lived preparing pranks in the forest. However, when northward migrar of the country, the myth and the personage they had suffered to modifications when receiving influences from the African culture. The Saci was changedded into a young black with only one leg, therefore, in accordance with the myth, had lost to another one in a capoeira fight. It passed to be represented using a red cap and one cachimbo, typical of the African culture. Until the current days it is represented of this form. The behavior is the registered mark of this folclórico personage. Much amused and joking, saci passes all time preparing pranks in the bushes and the houses. It scares travellers, it hides domestic objects, it emits noises, it scares horses and oxen in the grass etc. Despite the tricks, it does not practise attitudes with the objective to harm somebody or to make the evil. It says the myth that it dislocates itself inside from wind whirlwinds, and for he captures it is necessary to play a bolter on it. After the fact, must be taken off the cap and inside be arrested saci of a bottle. Of this form it will only go to obey to its "proprietário". But, in accordance with the myth, saci is not come back only toward tricks. It is an important expert of the grass of the forest, of the manufacture of teas and medicines made with plants. It controls and keeps to the secrets and all these knowledge. Those that penetrate in the forests in search of these grass, must, in accordance with mythology, to ask for its authorization. In case that contrary, it will be changedded into plus a victim of its pranks. The belief in this personage still is very strong in the interior region of Brazil. In return of the fogueiras, oldest they count its experiences with saci new. Through the verbal culture, the myth goes if perpetuating. However, the personage arrived at the great urban centers through literature, of the television and histories in quadrinhos. Who first portraied the personage, of shining form in infantile literature, was the writer Lobato Hunter. In histories of the Small farm of Yellow Pica-Pau, saci appears constantly. It lives preparing with the personages of the small farm. The legend if spread all for Brazil when histories of Lobato Hunter had gained the screens of the television, changedding itself into seriado, transmitted in the decades of 1970-80. The Saci-Pererê is one of the known personages more of the Brazilian folklore. I possessed up to one day in its homage: 31 of October. Probably, it appeared between aboriginal peoples of the South region of Brazil, still during the colonial period (possibly in the end of century XVIII). At this time, he was represented for an aboriginal boy of brown color and with a tail, that lived preparing pranks in the forest. However, when northward migrar of the country, the myth and the personage they had suffered to modifications when receiving influences from the African culture. The Saci was changedded into a young black with only one leg, therefore, in accordance with the myth, had lost to another one in a capoeira fight. It passed to be represented using a red cap and one cachimbo, typical of the African culture. Until the current days it is represented of this form. The behavior is the registered mark of this folclórico personage. Much amused and joking, saci passes all time preparing pranks in the bushes and the houses. It scares travellers, it hides domestic objects, it emits noises, it scares horses and oxen in the grass etc. Despite the tricks, it does not practise attitudes with the objective to harm somebody or to make the evil. It says the myth that it dislocates itself inside from wind whirlwinds, and for he captures it is necessary to play a bolter on it. After the fact, must be taken off the cap and inside be arrested saci of a bottle. Of this form it will only go to obey to its "proprietário". But, in accordance with the myth, saci is not come back only toward tricks. It is an important expert of the grass of the forest, of the manufacture of teas and medicines made with plants. It controls and keeps to the secrets and all these knowledge. Those that penetrate in the forests in search of these grass, must, in accordance with mythology, to ask for its authorization. In case that contrary, it will be changedded into plus a victim of its pranks. The belief in this personage still is very strong in the interior region of Brazil. In return of the fogueiras, oldest they count its experiences with saci new. Through the verbal culture, the myth goes if perpetuating. However, the personage arrived at the great urban centers through literature, of the television and histories in quadrinhos. Who first portraied the personage, of shining form in infantile literature, was the writer Lobato Hunter. In histories of the Small farm of Yellow Pica-Pau, saci appears constantly. It lives preparing with the personages of the small farm. The legend if spread all for Brazil when histories of Lobato Hunter had gained the screens of the television, changedding itself into seriado, transmitted in the decades of 1970-80.

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