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Evil''s Apple

?Apple a day keep your doctor away? My family doctor always told me whenever I visited him for my daily check ups. After a couple of weeks I decided to add at least an apple or two to my desert. From there onwards my wife always brought me the best reddish fresh apples from the food city. Last Sunday she told me that she bought a basket full of apples for me to eat during the whole week.
After dinner I was watching a horror movie in our bedroom.
?Catch it? she threw me one of the apples
?Looks like it has a real taste, isn?t it?
?Yeah, that?s why I bought it for you, it eventually my eyes caught this up and of course it?s a bit cheap.?
?Is it from keels??
?no way I bought it from from the Sunday fair?
?Next time I thought of buying from there instead of buying from Cargills, and I gave one to our parrot too?
?I?ll have a wash, dear? she went into the wash room.
I felt like that apple is trying to mesmerize me. Although I forgot to eat it and kept it a side since I was tired; ?good night honey! I?m a bit sleepy, off the lights and TV, if I?m in a deep sleep? I said in a raised pitch because she was in the wash room. While I was watching the movie my eyes started to sink in dark world.
?Didn?t you eat it?? ? it?s tasty. OK I?ll have it then. You got the whole basket? I heard it as it?s from a long distance when I was halfly in sleep.
?Triiiinnnnnnnnng? ?My god? it was my alarm, I got up, and an apple which was on my chest fell off.
?Dilly? ?Where are you? I?m late. Quickly pack my lunch. Why didn?t you wake me up??
I searched for her everywhere. She was not in the kitchen. Suddenly I ran to the bedroom and checked the washroom she was not there either. All saw was the apple which fell off my and immediately I ran to check the cage of the parrot. Parrot was also not there but there was an apple.
I realized something was odd, and wanted to do an experiment so I gave one of the apples to our dog, mixed with Its meal. By evening all I figured out was only an apple there.
Next Sunday I went in search of the apple seller but there had been no such seller for the last few months.
I lost my wife because of an apple, my wife became an apple.
Now every time I see an apple all that I can say is ?never rush a cute apple?

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