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Ghost Stories In Singapore National Service

Well, not every countries has national service so some might be curious what are the eerie happenings. There was once a recurit who has just complete his 8km road march and was so shagged. He just went with the rest of the platoon mates to the toilet. At first, when he first step in he saw a bunch of other platoon soldiers which is normal as everybody is sharing the toilet. So he just went to the toilet to do his business and in the end he become the last to go out of the toilet.In a complete silence, just when he was about to get out of the toilet, he realized his buddy is still in the toilet not moving. He waited for a while before he finally shout for him to hurry to fall in. His buddy turned and said "I can''t take it anymore". Thinking he was just joking, the recurit went down by himself. He thought everything was fine until when it is at night, he noticed that his buddy was sent home today. He shouldn''t be staying in camp. That send a chill down straight to the spine. The night was real disturbing for him. He dare not confront anybody. Until one day, the platoon sergent announce that his buddy had died due to high fever. Ever since that, the toilet was locked and was never opened. Mischievous soldiers had tried opening the door but it was simply impossible even when all the locks off. This has become a myth which haunts the soldiers everyday in the camp until the building was finally demolished. But i believe the recurit who saw him will never forget it in his entire life, staying with him.

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