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Splashes Of Joy In The Crossroads Of Life
(Barbara Johnson)

Life though it has beautiful moments has sorrow, loss, pain , it is one of the hard truths'' of life we have to swallow and cope with, its a journey an adventure with twists, turns, and numerous scenario''s in it.
''Splashes of joy in the Crossroads of Life'' written by Barbara Johnson a humorist, conference speaker, and a founder of ''Spatula Ministries and author of the best- seller book,
''Stick a Geranium in your Hat and be Happy'' has known this to be so in her life.
This new book of hers'' is written with wisdom, compassion,truth, absent of judgment,, not trite nor preachy, in the truth she shares out of her own personal faith with her Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.

The death of her father, next her husband Bill through a tragic car accident on his way to a retreat where they were going to be Counselor''s for young people where he becomes blind and through continual seizures is badly brain damaged, the deaths of her two eldest sons Steve and Tim; Steve dying in the Vietnam war, Tim a car accident, and finally learning her son Larry is homosexual.
One of these things alone is tough, but many trauma''s makes a person ask the time old questions of ,

? Why?? and ''How does one go on? ?

The subjects covered in the book are,

Shore up a sinking self- esteem.

Reach the other side of your grief.

Weather your stress and get rid of the guilt.

Restore the joys of motherhood.

Repair broken relationships with children.

Learn to live with your illness.

Develop and nurture a prayer life.

Make peace with aging and go for healthy materials.

This is a practical book with answers for people genuinely trying to find answers in the midst of hardship it brings hope to those who have none, encouragement for those in despair. It is has cocktails of humour right through it which through ones tears brings joy. e.g

I in closing would like to leave you with a poem from Barbara''s book in the hope if nothing else it will encourage you by simply reading this.


Dear Lord....
Please grant that I shall
Never waste my pain, for...
To fail without ever learning,
To fail without getting up,
To sin without overcoming,
To be hurt without forgiving,
To be discontent without improving,
To be crushed without becoming more caring,
To suffer without growing more sensitive,
Makes of suffering a senseless, futile exercise,
A tragic loss,
And of pain,
The greatest waste of all.

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